June 12-14, 2017
Partecipation in XII Conference of GIT (Geosciences and Information Technologies) Congress, Italian Geological Society, Gavorrano (GR).
November 14-16, 2017
Partecipation in 36° National Congress of GNGTS (National Group of Solid Earth Geophysics), Trieste (Italy).
Contribution “Experimentation of a geoelectrical permanent monitoring system for stability assessment of levees” (Italian)
Contribution “Experimentation at laboratory scale for monitoring of rainfall induced landslides with geoelectrical time-lapse measurements” (Italian)
November 22-24, 2017
Participation in GELMON 2017 Conference (GEoeLectrical MONitoring), Vienna.
Contribution “Experimenting a permanent geoelectrical monitoring system for stability assessment of levees”
Contribution “Time-lapse ERT measurements to monitor rainfall triggered landslides at the laboratory scale ”
Poster_Gelmon_Landslide simulator
November 30 – December 1, 2017
Participation in Congress “Tra Geologia e Geofisica 2017”, Rovereto.
Presentation of the Master Thesis “Experimentation of a permanent geoelectrical monitoring system for vulnerability assessment of earthen levees” (Italian) by Greta Tresoldi, winner of the Price Vittorio Iliceto in Geophysics.
June 11-13, 2018
Partecipation in XIII Conference of GIT (Geosciences and Information Technologies) and SI (Section of Hydrogeology) Congress, Italian Geological Society, Sarzana (SP).
Contribution “Geo-electrical monitoring of rainfall triggered landslides at the laboratory scale ” (Tresoldi, Politecnico di Milano)
Contribution “Fast geophysical imaging of earthen levees to prevent failure” (Caporicci, Università di Parma)
GIT2018_Tresoldi_Riassunto esteso
September 9-12, 2018
Partecipation in Near Surface Geoscience Conference, Porto (Portugal)
Contribution “A laboratory experience to assess the 3D effects on 2D ERT monitoring of river levees”
November 19-21, 2018
Partecipation in 37° National Congress of GNGTS (Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida), Bologna (Italy).
Contribution “Correcting the influence of 3D geometry to process 2D ERT monitoring data of river embankments at the laboratory scale”
February 19, 2019
Organization of workshop “Geoelectrical monitoring for hydrogeological risk”, Politecnico di Milano.
Presentations (in italian):
March 28, 2019
Lecture at Università di Pisa – Exploration and Applied Geophysics – of Professor Azadeh Hojat from Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman (Iran) and visiting professor at Politecnico di Milano: “Time-lapse ERT (Electrical Resistivity Tomography) monitoring of hydrogeological risks”
April 22-26, 2019
Participation in “EAGE-GSM 2nd Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering”, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
“Installation and validation of a customized resistivity system for permanent monitoring of a river embankment”
“Assessment of 3D geometry effects on 2D ERT data of a permanent monitoring system along a river embankment”
May 20, 2019
Lecture at Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman (Iran) by Prof. Azadeh Hojat of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman (Iran) abd visiting professor at Politecnico di Milano: “Monitoring of earthen embankments using time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography Advantages and challenges”
May 22, 2019
Participation in “Workshop 2019 Hydrogeological instability Fondazione Cariplo”, presentation of the 13 winner projects for the “Hydrogeological instability 2016 and 2017” grant by Fondazione Cariplo, CNR Area 1 Milano
June 12, 2019
Lecture at University of Theran – Institute of Geophysics (Iran) by Prof. Azadeh Hojat of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman (Iran) and visiting professor at Politecnico di Milano: “Permanent monitoring of earthen embankments using time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography”
September 8-12, 2019
Partecipation in “25th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics”, The Hague, Netherlands.
Contribution: “Testing ERT and fiber optic techniques at the laboratory scale to monitor river levees. ”
September 18-20, 2019
Partecipation in “Remtech Expo”, Ferrara, Italy.
Contribution: “Sperimentazione di monitoraggio geoelettrico della valutazione della vulnerabilità degli argini in terra”.
November 12-14. 2019
Partecipation in 38° Convegno Nazionale de GNGTS (Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida), Roma, Italy.
Contribution: “Long-term monitoring strategy to assess the inner conditions of river levees. Case study: Colorno, Italy”.
November 27-28, 2019
Partecipation in “III Convegno AGI e Ordine degli ingeneri della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano”, Bolzano, Italy.
Contribution: “Monitoraggio della filtrazione negli argini in terra attraverso misure di resistività permanenti”.
Arosio D., Munda S., Tresoldi G., Papini M., Longoni L. & Zanzi L. (2017) – A customized resistivity system for monitoring saturation and seepage in earthen levees: installation and validation. Open Geosciences, 9, 457-467.
Tresoldi G., Arosio D., Hojat A., Longoni L., Papini M., Zanzi L. (2017) – Sperimentazione di un sistema di monitoraggio geoelettrico permanente per la valutazione della stabilità arginale. Riassunti estesi delle comunicazioni, 36° Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida, Trieste, 14-16/11/17, pp. 665/667.
Tresoldi G., Arosio D., Brambilla D., Hojat A., Ivanov V. I., Longoni L., Papini M., Scaioni M., Zanzi L. (2017) – Sperimentazione alla scala di laboratorio per il monitoraggio di frane indotte da precipitazioni con misure geoelettriche time-lapse. Riassunti estesi delle comunicazioni, 36° Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida, Trieste, 14-16/11/17, pp. 667/669.
Tresoldi G., Arosio D., Hojat A., Longoni L., Papini M., Zanzi L. (2017) – Experimenting a permanent geoelectrical monitoring system for stability assessment of levees. Proceedings of GELMON, 22-24/11/17, Vienna, Book of abstracts, p. 4.
Arosio D., Brambilla D., Hojat A., Ivanov V. I., Longoni L., Papini M., Scaioni M., Tresoldi G., Zanzi L. (2017) – Time-lapse ERT measurements to monitor rainfall triggered landslides at the laboratory scale. Proceedings of GELMON, 22-24/11/17, Vienna, Book of abstracts, p. 27.
Francese R., Morelli G., Monteiro Santos F., Bondesan A., Giorgi M. & Tessarollo A. (2018) – An integrated geophysical approach to scan river embankments. Fast Times, 23, 3, 86-95.
Tresoldi G., Arosio D., Hojat A., Longoni L., Papini M., Zanzi L. (2018) – Tech-Levee-Watch: experimenting an integrated geophysical system for stability assessment of levees. Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Vol. 46, pp. 38-43.
Arosio, D., Hojat, A., Ivanov, V.I., Loke, M.H., Longoni, L., Papini, M., Tresoldi, G., Zanzi, L., 2018, A laboratory experience to assess the 3D effects on 2D ERT monitoring of river levees, expanded abstract Near Surface Geoscience 2018, September 9-12, Porto, We 24A 05, pp.5, doi:10.3997/2214-4609.201802628.
Tresoldi G., Hojat A., Zanzi L. (2018) – Correcting the influence of 3D geometry to process 2D ERT monitoring data of river embankments at the laboratory scale. Riassunti estesi delle comunicazioni, 37° Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida, Bologna, 19-21/11/18, pp. 140/144.
Tresoldi G., Arosio D., Hojat A., Longoni L., Papini M., Zanzi L. – Long-term hydrogeophysical monitoring of the internal conditions of river levees. Eng. Geol. 259, 105139,
Hojat A., Arosio D., Ivanov V.I., Longoni L., Papini M. Scaioni M., Tresoldi G. & Zanzi L. (2019) – Geoelectrical characterization and monitoring of slopes on a rainfall-triggered landslide simulator. J. Appl. Geophys., 170, 103844,
Hojat A, Arosio D, Longoni L, Papini M, Tresoldi G, Zanzi L, 2019. Installation and validation of a customized resistivity system for permanent monitoring of a river embankment. EAGE-GSM 2nd Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22-26 April, 2019.
Hojat A, Arosio D, Loke MH, Longoni L, Papini M, Tresoldi G, Zanzi L, 2019. Assessment of 3D geometry effects on 2D ERT data of a permanent monitoring system along a river embankment. EAGE-GSM 2nd Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22-26 April, 2019.
Hojat A, Arosio D, Di Luch I, Ferrario M, Ivov Ivanov V, Longoni L, Madaschi A, Papini M, Tresoldi G, Zanzi L, 2019. Testing ERT and fiber optic techniques at the laboratory scale to monitor river levees. 25th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, The Hague, Netherlands, DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201902440.
Hojat A., Arosio D., Ivanov V.I., Loke M.H., Longoni L., Papini M. Scaioni M., Tresoldi G., Zanzi L. – Quantifying seasonal 3D effects for a permanent electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) monitoring system along the embankment of an irrigation canal. Near Surf. Geophysis. (under review)