7th of February 2017
Meeting with LSI-Lastem, factory that made the prototypal resistivity-meter, Settala (MI).
20th of March 2017
Meeting with Consorzio di Bonifica Est Ticino Villoresi, Milan.
9th of June 2017
Seminar with students of Environmental Engeneering of Geophysical Prospecting course(Professor Zanzi) at Politecnico di Milano.
20th of June 2017
Seminar with students of Civil Engeneering of Non Destructive Probes course (Professor Lualdi) at Politecnico di Milano.
10th of July 2017
Meeting with Consorzio di Bonifica Terre dei Gonzaga in Destra Po, Mantua.
29th of September 2017
Meeting with LSI-Lastem for definition of features of the new prototype
11th of October 2017
Meeting with LSI-Lastem and Kalpa for definition of the features of the resistivity-meter software
25th of January 2018
Meeting with Consorzio di Bonifica Terre dei Gonzaga in Destra Po for organizing fast scanning measurements
14th of February 2018
Meeting with LSI-Lastem and Kalpa for definition of the features of the resistivity-meter software
26th of February 2018
Meeting with AIPO for presentation of the project and starting a collaboration
23th of May 2018
Seminar on the project with students of Geology course in Lecco Campus of Politecnico di Milano
1st of June 2018
Meeting with LSI-Lastem for definition of features of the new prototype
27th of July 2018
Meeting with AIPO and LSI-Lastem to analyse the measurements in Colorno and evaluate the permanent installation
14th of November 2018
Meeting with Consorzio Est Ticino Villoresi to discuss the project and the measurements
14th of December 2018
Meeting with LSI-Lastem to present the project and evaluate the commercialization of the resistvity-meter prototype
17th of January 2019
Meeting with LSI-Lastem
5th and 18th of February 2019
Meeting with LSI-Lastem and Kalpa for definition of the features of the resistivity-meter cloud